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Virtium: NAND Storage for Industrial SSDs 101

Let’s talk about Industrial 2D and 3D storage for industrial SSDs.

With 2d SSDs, NAND cells are strung across a a 2D plane. Unfortunately, NAND cells have limits.  If they’re made too small, they won’t hold data reliably, and if they’re packed too densely, they may corrupt other cells.  This means the size of that 2D plane greatly restricts the maximum capacity of the drive.

3d NAND addresses this issue by reworking the shape of the cell itself, flipping the cells on end, and then stacking them like a high-rise building.  This dramatically increases storage capacities, all within essentially the same footprint as 2D packaging.

While 3d NAND is established in the consumer market, it has taken longer to enter the industrial market for 3 reasons:

  • Operations in extreme cold/hot environments
  • Burnout from continuous read/write cycling
  • The need for an extended lifecycle

Industrial 3D NAND SSDs face big challenges to properly build and meet these 3 requirements.  However, Virtium is meeting and exceeding these demands with its new Industrial 3D line of SSDs.

More info:

We are honored to serve as a manufacturer’s rep for Virtium, who manufactures solid-state storage and memory solutions for the world’s top industrial embedded OEMs.

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