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Find the Right BGA Socket System Part Number

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Step 1: Find the Footprint Number

Advanced Interconnections’ BGA Footprint Finder takes the pain out of finding the right part for your application. Engineers may enter in search criteria such as ball/pin count, pitch, row configuration, etc., and the Finder returns a specific footprint number. The AIC footprint number can then be used to find the right BGA socketing system.

Step 2: Build Your Part

To build a part number, engineers can select options from pull-down menus. Additional information is available by clicking on highlighted (blue) menu names or info links.

HHP and Advanced Interconnections

HHP is the Florida manufacturer’s representative for Advanced Interconnections, a leading designer and manufacturer of innovative, technologically advanced interconnect solutions.

Advanced Interconnections designs and manufactures customized interconnect solutions for semiconductor development and high reliability electronic applications including medical, military, automotive, and telecommunications. IC sockets, package conversion adapters, and board-to-board connectors feature screw-machined terminals for field proven performance and durability. From prototype to production volumes, innovative designs are produced to customer-specific requirements in our fully integrated manufacturing facility in the USA.

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